Friday, August 14, 2009

World's Only Orang-utan Hospital

Situated in the heart of the Malaysian jungle, the Infant Care Unit at Bukit Merah Lake Town Resort - dubbed Orang-Utan Island - is a very special hospital.

All of its patients are from the endangered Borneo species of orang-utans, the Pongo Pygmaeus. Without the facility, built in 2004, the species would probably be extinct.

Below are some photos of Orang-Utans in the hospital being taking cared.

World's Only Orangutang Hospital

World's Only Orangutang Hospital

World's Only Orangutang Hospital

World's Only Orangutang Hospital

World's Only Orangutang Hospital

World's Only Orangutang Hospital

Did you find them cute and worthy to live longer in Earth ...? Let us help conserve nature. Save the so cute Orangutans.

And read more to see more.