Have you seen letters N and W? They are inside the circle.
But aside from these letters, you can also see the compass pointing to northwest, another reference to the brandname. Look again...
What have you seen? Focus at the center. There you can see two persons sharing a piece of Tostito chip with a bowl of salsa. It conveys an idea of people connecting with each other.
Elefont has only letter "e" logo. This actually looks so simple; but try to look at it more closely and you will see a part of an elephant's trunk in its negative space.
Every letter in this logo is formed number 8. This is simple yet memorable. |
At first glance, you will only notice letter F and the red stripes in the logo.
But if you look closely in the negative space between them, you can see number 1.
This logo does not only contains letters B and R,
but also include 31 (in color pink), reference to the 31 flavors.
This logo also uses a negative space to create the letter H. You can see three different parts: the letter H and W and a whale's tail in blue. |