If you were walking down the street and saw a huge tennis racket or a massive soccer ball on top of a crushed car wouldn't you take notice? These unique and eye catching ads might be the most effective for searing their brands into people's brains. See the following giant advertisements from different places using big objects to catch your attention.
Huge soccer ball ads. Let's play football.
Giant pen ads.
Havaianas advertisement. Cool!
Big toothbrush advertisement.
Mcdonald's giant coffee advertisment.
Mondo pasta, so good that you can't let go.
Mega storage capacity.
Giant bread advertisment.
Giant knife billboard.
Nike in the giant football.
Mondo pasta. So good you can't let go.
Giant packaging tape billboard.
Funny sharp blade advertisment. Extremely big!!!
Termites eat 24 hours a day. Terminix.